Expert Advice on Buy and Selling a Home in Birmingham
Are you looking to buy or sell a home in Birmingham? We’ve asked a few of our agents to give their expert advice:
There are many things a seller can do to showcase their property in the best light. From years of experience, I have the knowledge to help them prioritize what will yield the greatest return on investment. I also enjoy using technology to make transactions flow smoothly for my clients. We have the ability today to convert an email offer into a signed contract anywhere in the world in as little as five minutes. This is a great time to buy or sell a home. Michael Murphree
Home buyers and sellers need an agent backed by a real estate company that demonstrates a commitment to customer service. That’s why I am at ARC Realty. Being accessible and keeping clients updated is critical to my success. Likewise, the management team at ARC is accessible and fully supports me, providing training and technologies that enable me to provide excellent customer service. This company is a perfect fit for me. Nicole Brannon
Working as a team gives us a unique advantage to look at a situation from different viewpoints. We collaborate to find the best solutions for our clients. We ask different questions, which allows us to help our clients clarify their goals. Today’s home buyers and sellers are active participants in our process. The same is true of the people we work with at ARC Realty. This is a company of smart agents and a smart leadership team, with a supportive culture. Amy Stump and Marc Scholl
It’s exciting to be a part of a young and growing company like ARC Realty as our market rebounds. My involvement in different community activities throughtout the city allows me to match homes and clients in all different areas and price ranges. For twenty years I’ve enjoyed working with first-time home buyers and empty-nesters and corporate relocation departments, helping my clients understand what can be done to make a home marketable and what to look for in a new home. My commitment to customer service has out me in the top 4% of MLS sales in our area year after year. Cathy Rogoff
Two factors are driving this active market: low interest rates, which encourages people to buy a new home; and love inventories, which encourages people to sell their existing home. It’s basic supply and demand. People who had concerns a few years ago about being able to recoup their investment are seeing homes sell around them and housing prices on the rise. With historically low interest rates, it makes Birmingham’s housing market very competitive. Erle Fairly