5 Packing Tips to Make Your Move Easier
Moving from one house to another can be stressful and exciting all at the same time. Staying organized, making lists, and planning ahead make the whole process a lot easier, but so does having a few handy packing tips and tricks up your sleeve.
ARC Realty has gathered a list of five packing tips to make moving a little easier.
Pack the items you will need first in a clear plastic bin.
This process includes unpacking essentials like a boxcutter, tools, paper towels, and trash bags. Additionally, use clear bins for other necessities such as eating utensils, select cookware, power strips, phone chargers, and toilet paper. The clear bin allows you to see what’s inside and quickly differentiate these bins from the dozens of other cardboard boxes you have.
Don’t spend money on boxes. 
There’re a few ways to avoid spending unnecessary cash on boxes. Call your local liquor store or supermarket and ask if they can put aside boxes for you – they’re just going to throw them away anyway!
Additionally, consider using what you already have at your disposal. This includes suitcases, baskets, laundry bins, or hampers. Wheeled suitcases are great for all your books, while hampers and laundry bins (obviously) work perfectly for clothes and linens.
In addition to labeling your boxes, indicate what room they’ll be going to.
When you arrive at your new home, unpack by room. The unpacking process will feel more manageable this way. Remember to label the sides of the boxes, not the tops. This way, you’ll be able to identify them even if they’re stacked.
Use sandwich bags to hold any small parts of things you have to take apart, like curtain rods or mounted flat-screen TVs.
Then tape the bag to the back of the item they correspond to. You won’t ever have to worry about losing those screws again!
Pack plates vertically like records.
When packing vertically you can create a barrier between each plate by placing a piece of newspaper or even a foam plate in between to protect them.
We hope you can use these packing tips to help make this next move your best move.
ARC Realty has all systems in place to help those who are moving from one city, state or country to another. Whether you’re relocating to or out of Birmingham, we’re here to help. Our Relocation Services can help answer your questions, remain at your side throughout the home finding process and help to ensure a successful transition.
Give ARC Realty a call today at (205) 969-8910 or fill out our contact form to start your search or to learn more about selling your home.