Spring Home Maintenance
Spring is almost here, and for many of us that means we can start enjoying time outside at our homes. With that comes getting your home ready for warmer temperatures. During winter months, many aspects of your home aren’t used as often, meaning they may need some attention once the weather thaws out. We’ve compiled a few tips to help you prepare your home for spring, and ensure you’ll be ready to enjoy the warmer weather when it arrives.
Inspect A/C
The fall and spring are the two most important times to review your home’s major HVAC – heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems. Ensure air filters have been replaced or cleaned and stock up on new air filters if you use the disposable kind, especially since this time of year allergens are at their peak. Check your air conditioner before the summer to ensure it is in good working order. Remember – if you need to have a service person look at it now, it will be a lot less expensive than three months from now.
Prepare your Lawnmover
Your lawnmover has more than likely been in storage since summer. Now is the time to change the engine oil and sharpen the cutting blade to preparation for warmer weather. By doing this you’ll also lengthen the life of the mower and improve the look of your lawn.
Clean your dryer vent
Did you know not all lint gets caught in the lint trap? Some actually makes its way into the dryer vent. A clean vent will save you money by reducing the time your dryer has to run, while a plugged vent not only wastes money but could cause a house fire.
Trim the Trees
It’s important to cut back branches while they’re still bare to reduce the risk of them snapping off during a storm and landing on your house, car, or power line.
Clean Your Gutters
Remove those dead leaves from your gutters and downspouts so heavy rain can flow efficiently off your roof. Make sure that those downspouts are secure so water is draining away from your home and not soaking into the foundation. While you’re up there, inspect the roof for broken or missing shingles or tiles.
Inspect Caulking
The cold weather can often cause windows and doors to separate slightly from their frames. Walk around your home and examine caulking around windows and doors, and open windows and doors and look at weather stripping. Replace old or cracking caulk and weather stripping as necessary.
We all want to be able to enjoy the warmer weather when it gets here, so use these tips to get started on preparing your home for spring weather! Contact an ARC agent for more information!